Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry is a science and practice that looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. In this department, its important to understand the physical, chemical, biological properties of the soil, genesis and classification of soil; what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs and when and how to apply these nutrients; the ways that crops grow and develop. The importance of soil as a natural resource has long been recognized by people and, along with water and atmosphere, soil act as the life support system of our planet earth. Although the scientific study of soil started with the rapid development of agriculture, it is now considered as a fundamental subject with applications in agriculture, forestry, engineering and environmental sciences. However, despite the significant transition from agriculture related subject to a fundamental one, the mandate for Soil Science education and research is still vested with agricultural colleges/faculties of universities around the world. The staffs are actively involved in conducting teaching, on-farm activities, educational tours, which make the students be well versed with the subject. |