Faculty Achievements

Mr. R. R. Patil

1. Research Paper Published 09
2. International Conference/seminar attained 02
3. National Conference/ Seminar attained  07
4. Trainings 04
5. Workshop 01
6. Popular Articles 03
7. Book 01
8. Expert Lectures 25
9. Radio Talk/ T. V Shows 02
10. Awards 1)  Excellent Krushisevak Agricultural Expert 3)  Young Entomologist
11. Members of Society/ Journal 1) Euro Asia Research and Development Association 2) Society For Advancement of Human And Nature 3) Journal of Agriculture Research & Technology 4) Indian Society of Agriculture & Horticulture Research Development (ISAHRD), Chandigarh, Punjab, India
12. Other 1) JRF Rank- 139th 2) Third Position in Project Competition
Prof. Madhuri Namdev Kengare
1. Research Paper Published 02
2. International Conference/seminar attained 01
3. National Conference/ Seminar attained  Nil
4. Trainings Nil
5. Workshop Nil
6. Fellowship Nil
7. Popular Articles Nil
8. Awards Nil
9. Members of Society/ Journal Nil
10. Other Nil