Faculty Achievment

Dr. Ashwini Sopan Mukhekar
1. Research Paper Published 18
2. International Conference/seminar attained 04
3. National Conference/ Seminar attained? 03
4. Trainings 02
5. Workshop
6. Fellowship
7. Popular Articles 09
8. Awards
9. Members of Society/ Journal 05
10. Other
Dr. K. B. Kamble 
1. Research Paper Published 11
2. International Conference/seminar attained 6
3. National Conference/ Seminar attained  03
4. Trainings 4
5. Workshop 1
6. Fellowship BARTI
7. Popular Articles 2
8. Awards 1) Top 10 Performer award in 15 days training program on Trending Novel Technologies in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, fisheries science and their allied system 2) 2 Gold medals in Ph.D 3) Best M.Sc Thesis award 4) Best Ph.D scholar Award
9. Members of Society/ Journal Life membership of Indian Society of Agriculture and Horticulture Research Development (ISAHRD), Chandigarh, Punjab, India
10. Other 1) Passed National Quiz Competition on Dairy Science and Technology (89%). 2) Passed  National Quiz Competition on Importance of Hygienic and Clean Milk production in Profitable Dairy Farming